SMFPacks Alerts Pro

Facebook-like notifications that keep your users engadget and promoting participations!

Amazing Notifications!

Users aren't checking their email every 5 minutes, they can't browse each topic just checking for a reply, that's why notifications are the best way to make them aware new content at your community, our alerts system is designed to provide those notifications as soon as they happen and the best part is that they are integrated with third-party mods too!

Desktop Notifications! New

Make users aware of new things even if they are not at your forum! Desktop notifications work similary to push notifications in smartphones, they notify your users even if they are not at the web browser!

Desktop notifications

Interactive Favicon! New

The favicon can be easily used to make your users aware of new notifications when they at the web browser, but in another tab. As you can see when new notifications are fetched the favicon is smartly changed to easily make users aware of unseen alerts but also identifying your forum!

Interactive favicons

Inline notifications!

Noty is how it's called the system we've integrated to let your users be aware of notifications as soon as they arrive at your forum, this inline notifications are beautiful, unobstructive and automatically hidden if the alert doesn't requires inmediate attention from the user.

Inline notifications

Send alerts from administration!

Alert users about important announcements, actions required or anything else that demands attention! This feature works right from your admin panel, so you can easily send a special alert to all users without overloading your forum!

Send Alerts

Full user customization!

Each user can choose which alerts wants to receive right from their profile! And from your admin panel you can choose which alerts will be selected by default to all existing and new users!

Full user customization

Smart integration with topics & boards!

Notifications for each board are smart, you can select if you want to receive notifications about new posts using: alerts, emails, both or none! Everything is quick and intuitive, so each user can be notified exactly how they want to.

Integration with topics and boards

Load balancing integration!

You can configure how the entire alerts system is disable when your server is under high stress; however this mod uses cache and smart queries to reduce overload as much as possible!

Load balancing integration

Which forum alerts are available?

  • New Replies in Subscribed Topics.
  • New Topics in Subscribed Boards.
  • Quotes of Own Posts.
  • New Personal Messages.
  • New Buddies.
  • Good Karma in Posts.
  • Bad Karma in Posts.
  • Good Karma in Personal Messages.
  • Bad Karma in Personal Messages.

Which mods are integrated?

  • Liked Posts - Integration with SMF Likes Pro Mod.
  • New Comments in Subscribed Groups - Integration with SMF Social Groups Mod.
  • New Threads in Subscribed Groups - Integration with SMF Social Groups Mod.
  • Replies in Subscribed Threads - Integration with SMF Social Groups Mod.
  • New Comments in Own Downloads - Integration with SMF Downloads Directory Pro Mod.
  • New Comments in Own Links - Integration with SMF Links Directory Mod.
  • New Profile Comments Received - Integration with Ultimate Profile Mod
  • New Comments in Own Photos - Integration with Aeva Media
  • Thanked Posts - Integration with Thank-o-matic Mod
  • New Rate Received - Integration with Post Rating
  • New Tags Added - Integration with Tagged System for Topics
  • New Profile Comment - Integration with Ajax Profile Comments
  • New Possitive Reputation Received - Integration with Advanced Reputation System
  • New Negative Reputation Received - Integration with Advanced Reputation System
  • New Pokes Received - Integration with SimplePokes

What are other webmasters saying about this product?

"This really is a great little mod you have here and I highly recommend it to anyone running an SMF forum. It does encourage interaction and keeps you informed at the same time. Awesome job!"


"I second this, it is a great mod "


"Man, by far the most useful mod ever made for smf. Congrats..."


"Agreed, notifications are very useful thing for forums and this mod is doing good job."


"(Mentions mod) in combination with Alerts Pro was a godsend for my forum as I have much less PM traffic now."


How do I get support?

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SMFPacks Alerts Pro

SMFPacks Alerts Pro Copyright Removed

- SMFPacks Alerts Pro.
- Copyright removed: No.
- Full Support: Yes.
- Regular Price: $39.99.
- PROMOTIONAL Price: $29.99.
- SMFPacks Alerts Pro.
- Copyright removed: Yes.
- Full Support: Yes.
- Regular Price: $49.99.
- PROMOTIONAL Price: $39.99.