LATEST VERSION: 1.0.11 (2024-06-10) - COMPATIBLE WITH: SMF 2.1 and SMF 2.0


Powerful content management system for SMF! Pages, Articles, Sliders, File Manager, Portal, Blocks and much more!

Check our video presentation:

The best portal ever seen in SMF!

Extremely customizable, unbelievably flexible, and yet quite powerful! The portal included can do anything you want! And the best of all is that everything can be managed with just a few clicks giving you full control over it and allowing the people you choose to also manage it!

From the admin panel you can choose if you want both sidebars, one or none, also their width and you can move blocks totally hassle-free! If you want to do even more, you can manage the styles of each block and even create HTML, PHP and BBC ones for endless possibilities.

The best portal ever seen in SMF!

Amazing articles system

Start categorizing and properly publishing articles to manage topics. Articles can be shown at the portal to use them as a news system and you can create as many categories as required, you can also filter articles based on them to share related content a lot easier! Articles will also be highlighted in topics to make the viewer understand the importance of the content!

Amazing articles system

Powerful pages!

Create unlimited pages using BBC, PHP or HTML! A proper editor is shown to make edition easier and from admin, you can activate:

  • Social sharing for page
  • Which blocks are shown
  • Who can see it
  • Add the page to the menu
  • Upload a proper icon for the menu
  • Manage SEO: meta description, keywords, and indexation.
  • Add custom CSS and Javascript just for this page, using a tailor-made editor for both languages!
  • ...and much more!

Powerful pages!

Beautiful sliders!

Sliders are a beautiful way to showcase content that's why an entire slides system is included with this CMS, with it you can insert as many slides as you want and you can even include multimedia content inside them! Feel free to use a YouTube video or even your own images, audios or videos! Everything is possible and easy to do!

Beautiful sliders!

File Manager included!

Do you need to delete a file in your server without having to use an FTP? Are you in a hurry to quickly rename a file due to some error? Now, this is entirely possible right from your admin panel and with a beautiful UI! This file manager is extremely easy to use and allows you to delete, rename, and even upload files with ease! Everything can be done visually and through the amazing interface!

File Manager included!

37 incredible blocks!

37 blocks are included by default to easily set up any kind of content you may possibly need: Add a menu as a block, quick search, top posters, forum stats, recent posts, show topics from certain boards and much more fully forum-related!

Additionally, integrations are provided with a lot of popular SMF mods:

  • SMFPacks Shoutbox Pro
  • SMFPacks Multimedia Gallery
  • SMFPacks Downloads Directory
  • SMFPacks Links Directory
  • SMFPacks Social Groups
  • SMFPacks Activity Stream
  • SimpleDesk
  • SMF Gallery
  • SMFBlog
  • zCommunity
  • SMF Arcade
  • Aeva Media
  • SMF Shop
  • ... and much more!

37 incredible blocks!

Create content easily!

The flexibility with pages and blocks allows you to create any kind of content! For example, you can create an entire contact form, add it to your menu and manage who can see it with just a few clicks! All the options available in both blocks and pages allow you to control look & feel, permissions, positions, layout, features and much more!

Create content easily!

An editor for PHP and HTML!

A proper editor is added to manage all your PHP and HTML content! This makes the creation of both pages and blocks using any of those languages a lot easier! The editor is even capable of show you possible errors to make your code work while you are typing it! It is incredibly simple to use!

An editor for PHP and HTML!

Full user control!

You can control who can see every block and page! Simply choose between the available options: Everyone, Guests, Only registered members and advanced in which you can choose which specific member groups can see every one of them!

Additionally you have fully customizable permissions for member groups, which allow you to properly authorize all the actions shown in the picture to the right! These settings can give you the possibility to have editors in your site and managers of the portal without being administrators.

Full user control!

Promote topic as articles!

Editors and admins can promote articles right from the admin panel or from the topic view! Inside those pages, they can upload an article image (if none is provided one will be generated) and even set an excerpt title and image in case the user wants to show an introduction in the portal or from the articles section of the forum!

Promote topic as articles!

Full SEO Control

In pages, you can optimize how they will be shown to search engines and social networks! If desired you can specify a description to be added as OG tags and meta description, you can additionally configure the meta keywords or if you do not want the page to be indexed! Everything can be controlled right from your admin panel!

Full SEO Control

Custom javascript and css for pages

There are specific boxes added to manage both custom CSS and Javascript for each page! They also integrated the editors that allow you to properly modify the content and write proper JS/CSS right from your browser! All these settings are optional and you can ignore them if you do not need them!

Custom javascript and css for pages

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SMFPacks CMS Copyright Removed

- SMFPacks CMS.
- Copyright removed: No.
- Full Support: Yes.
- Regular Price: $39.99.
- PROMOTIONAL Price: $29.99.
- SMFPacks CMS.
- Copyright removed: Yes.
- Full Support: Yes.
- Regular Price: $49.99.
- PROMOTIONAL Price: $39.99.