LATEST VERSION: 2.0.16 (2023-10-25)

SMFPacks Likes Pro!

Much more than just a likes mod!

A likes button, that's all? Hell no!

Full Ajax Mod

Full Ajax:

Allows users to like, unlike, view the likes tree, or view likers of any messages without reloading your website. This means that you can do more in less steps, and it's even better for forum performance as cache is implemented, and most of the forum things won't be reloaded again for a simple list.

Likes Tree:

Find the solution to any topic easily! The Likes Tree gives you a full view of all the likes done in a topic, the summary is ordered based on likes, so basically the most important posts in the topic (the ones with most likes) are shown at the top. This feature totally transform how people interact with your community.
Likes Tree

Likes Bar

Likes Bar:

This green bar gives a much better look to the amount of likes received by any member. It's shown with the ratio of posts made / likes received, so you can actually know if an user is an spam master, or if his posts are actually good for the forum. This is going to make your members work harder for a full green bar in their posts!

Likes Given / Likes Received:

Every user has his total of likes received, and given, so you can see who actually appreciates the work done by others, and there's even a link on every user profile to see all the messages he liked, and the ones from him with likes, allowing you (and anyone else) to view actually interesting posts from anyone!
Liked Posts / Likes Received

Search by likes

Search content based on Likes:

As likes are the new method to decide which posts are useful, and which aren't, it makes a lot of sense to be able to search with that criteria, well that's another great feature of our Pro Mod. As you can see you can seek for important messages or topics based on the total of likes received on both.

But wait! We've even more:

- Enable Likes per board!
- Select, per board, if likes can be given only to first post.
- Great look & feel!
- Likes in topic tree are sorted by number of likes to show the important posts at first.
- Optionally show total of likes in topic header.
- Optionally show list of likes per message.
- Total of likes received are (optionally) shown in posts, and personal messages.
- Total of likes given are (optionally) shown in posts, and personal messages.
- Preview List of Likers in each post, configurable in Administration.
- All these features can be enabled or disabled in Admin Panel.
- Unlike Posts with Ajax too!
- Like individual posts not only Topics.
- Show Total of Likes in Posts.
- Show List of People Who Liked each Post in same using Ajax.
- Total of likes received are shown in member list and profile too.
- Like Permission
- Full Cache implementation to make this mod work without even being noticed by your server.
- Likes Stats allow you to view the posts/likes ratio of your community.
- Show Top 10 Liked Topics and Users.
- Optionally Allow Owner to Like his own posts. (Total Likes received won't be increased).
- Anti-Spam Measure: Allow Likes for same users every X seconds.
- Show Total of Likes received by a Topic in Message Index.
- If last option is enabled, you can sort topics by Likes.

What are other webmasters saying about this product?

"Nice work NIBOGO. Thank you for this. My users really like this mod!"


"I just got the Likes Pro Mod and I have to tell you I sure am glad I did, it adds a whole new dimension to my forum. I had a little trouble installing it with my custom theme, and contacted Nibogo and for a very modest fee he not only installed it on my site for me so it worked perfectly with my custom theme, but even customized the colors of his mod to make it integrate cosmetically to perfection. It cost a few dollars but I honestly feel like I got way more than what I paid for in both the quality of the product and the service. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a competitive rating system for their smf site. "

Thomas Henley

"Its working great! I love it!."


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SMFPacks Likes Pro

SMFPacks Likes Pro Copyright Removed

- SMFPacks Likes Pro.
- Copyright removed: No.
- Full Support: Yes.
- Regular Price: $29.99.
- PROMOTIONAL Price: $19.99.
- SMFPacks Likes Pro.
- Copyright removed: Yes.
- Full Support: Yes.
- Regular Price: $49.99.
- PROMOTIONAL Price: $39.99.