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Messages - naijasky

Do additional hosting space will be needed for SMFPacks Auto Media Embedder
Pre-Sale Questions / Re: Sfipacks ads manager
December 23, 2017, 08:44:56 PM
I will needs the following. let me know the total fee and I nee you to install them for me
1SMFPacks Multimedia Gallery
2,SMF ads Ads manager
3.SMFPacks Multimedia Gallery
with copyright removal and installation support
Pre-Sale Questions / Sfipacks ads manager
December 23, 2017, 07:36:46 PM
what will be the fee for you to install it for on my forum
I have advertod installed already and u modified it for mobile for me.
Can u make it possible that the owners keep tract of their adverts.
Is the advert self placing by advertisers
1. will clents be able to stall ads to specific board waing for approval
2. what payment method acceptable for the adverts. is local payment acceptable
3. can it work with existing ad management
Feedbacks / what i love about Social Login
September 18, 2015, 07:01:11 PM
What i love most about this powerful mod-social Login is the profile picture from either Facebook, Google plus or Twitter. I recommend it for your forum. you will love it. A million thanks for this mod

Pre-Sale Questions / on installation of SEO pro
January 13, 2015, 04:36:05 AM
on installation of seo pro: I used this so called pretty url before. Will u help me to clear it off my forum so that my forum can have peace when I order for this mod
Pre-Sale Questions / previous hyperlinks
January 12, 2015, 04:29:06 PM
when i installed the mod, will the old hyperlinks from other websites to my forum still work when i order SEO Pro