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Messages - HDB

Mod Requests / SMF Cookie Change Compatibly
December 28, 2019, 07:27:14 AM
SMF has changed their cookie system with the release of 2.0.16. Therefore, integrations and modifications that need to tap into SMF's cookie will need to be updated. You can read about it here...

Are your premium mods going to work with the new HMAC method of cookie generation? 

I am currently using the following SMFPacks mods...

Two Factor Authentication CR
Mentions Mod Copyright Removed
SMFPacks Alerts Pro CR
Social Profile CR
SMFPacks Profile Popup CR
Installed and working!! Thanks!!
Great! I think I just might become a customer for that mod. ;)
Would there be any issue with your Profile Popup mod working with a responsive theme?
Feedbacks / Re: Alerts Pro is another Must Have Mod
February 26, 2017, 10:49:11 AM
Just thought I would add an update. 

Alerts Pro and Mentions Pro have been running on my forum for a few days now. What a natural combination! No errors logged and members are liking them. These two mods should go far to increase member activity and community spirit. 

As was said the combination of Mentions Pro and Alerts Pro is a natural combination.

Thanks SMFPacks! 
Feedbacks / Alerts Pro is another Must Have Mod
February 23, 2017, 02:26:14 PM
The first mod I got from SMFPacks was Mentions and as I said in a review earlier this week, Mentions is a mod that every forum needs.  I will add that Alerts in combination with Mentions is even better. Killer combination.

As I said when I purchased Mentions, it was so professionally done that I was convinced that I would buy Alerts Pro and once again I am pleased. Alerts Pro is professional quality, it installed without error and when I asked for some help on my custom theme NIBOGO was quick to respond with one edit that worked perfectly for my theme.

Great products!! Thanks NIBOGO and SMFPacks!
Feedbacks / Mentions Is What Every Forum Needs
February 22, 2017, 01:05:36 PM
Installed flawlessly without an error and is running flawlessly without any issue. This mod is going to be great for keeping members engaged. 

Now that I see how professional this mod is I am going to be purchasing the Alerts mod. They should make a great combination! 

Thanks SMFPacks!