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Messages - Sakura

Feedbacks / Alerts Pro
May 23, 2018, 01:40:36 PM
I recently purchased Media Embedder and was so impressed with the quality that I decided to buy Alerts Pro - WHAT A GREAT MOD!!

I had some initial difficulty setting it up, but NIBOGO helped me through it (it was my lack of knowledge - not the mod).

If I had to suggest one mod, it would definitely be ALERTS PRO!! :D 
Feedbacks / Media Embedder
May 22, 2018, 01:55:13 PM
This mod is amazing!  After using several mods to accomplish everything we needed I finally found NIBOGO's Media Embedder.  All I can say is IT'S AMAZING!  

With other mods I had to mess with the code but not the Media installed quickly and flawlessly.  

Thanks again SMFPacks!
Pre-Sale Questions / Copyright Question
May 17, 2018, 09:05:36 AM
Just wondering where the copyright appears for mods. 
Feedbacks / Re: Nebula Theme (Loving it)
May 15, 2018, 10:06:53 AM
Is there a demo of Nebula?  I don't see it in the demo site.
Mod Requests / Awards/Achievement Mod
May 14, 2018, 04:03:17 PM
Hey NIBOB!  Something that I think a lot of people want and really seems to be lacking from SMF is an Awards/Achievement mod.  

LOVE to see one you add one to your mod depository!  :thumbsup: