LATEST VERSION: 3.1 (2023-10-26)

SMFPacks Advanced Editor

A complete new editor for your forum! Making great posts has never been easier!

Upload images with drag & drop or clipboard! NEW

Easily upload images right from your clipboard or simply using drag and drop over the editor! Adding images into posts has never been easier!

Upload images with clipboard or drag and drop

Better Syntax!

This editor is way better than the old one, it just works as expected, you won't face any issue while you're using it. When you give it a try to the WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) Interface you won't return to the bbcode one, but even if you want to do it for any reason you'll be able to.

Better Syntax!

Look & feel

It's just nice! This editor has a great design and a lot better interface, your users are going to interact with it way better, just install it and ask them, there is no reason why they would prefer the core one.

Look & feel

Better color, size and face selections!

The core editor has standard dropdowns which are awful for users, as they don't know how things look while they're selecting them, that's why we've a much nicer selection of Font Colors, Size and Face, and the best of all is that this feature is available for both interfaces WYSIWYG and BBCodes.

Better color, size and face selections!

Full or Minified, you select in which areas what should be used

There are two versions full and minified, both can be customized in admin panel and you select in which actions which one is going to be used, you can also enable smileys with a click for both, one or none.

Full or Minified, you select in which areas what should be used

Quick Reply Integration!

Just adding "quickreply" to areas where it should be shown you're going to have this powerful editor into your quick reply, a minified version can be added in case you dislike the full one for simple areas, this allows users to prepare a quick reply with some basic format, but they also can use the standard bbcode interface in case that they want to use it.

Quick Reply Integration!

Quick Edit Integration!

This is one of the best features! Now in the Quick Modify interface (the one that appears when the little edit icon is clicked) you're going to have the minified version of the WYSIWYG editor allowing you to do some real modifications effortless and easily, this is a great feature that allows users to modify posts quickly without having to go to a new page.

Quick Edit Integration!

Modify signature with WYSIWYG

Advanced Editor can be enabled easily for modification of signature in profile allowing users to have a preview of the signature without having to save, check and then modify again, this one is one of the features that your users are going to just love!. It's also integrated with the characters left feature.

Modify signature with WYSIWYG

Integration with other mods!

This editor will work without modifications into other mods too! Just add their action to the areas where full or minified version is shown and you're going to have it, it's effortless, it just works!

Integration with other mods!

Much nicer selection of emoticons

With such a nicer interface you've a better selection of emoticons, they are shown in a dropdown, and all the emoticons that shouldn't be shown at first, the ones in the popup, can be loaded in a much nicer way, there is no need to look to that awful popup, just see how they're added to the emoticons dropdown and you'll be ready to select them.

Much nicer selection of emoticons

Print your post with a click!

Doing a single click you'll be able to print content of your post! This is a great feature that can be useful for a lot of cases and we're sure that your members are going to appreciate such a nice feature.

Print your post with a click!

Smart addition of Links, Email and Image for BBCode Interface

In the core editor when you're using the basic interface and you try to add any of those codes you had just the standard bbcode, in this editor you've a much better way to add those in both WYSIWYG and BBCode, just see the screenshot to know what we're talking about.

Smart addition of Links, Email and Image for BBCode Interface

Cut copy and paste!

In editor you've buttons for cut, copy and paste, this feature is not available for a lot of browsers, in that case an alert is shown letting the user know how to do it with their keyboard.

Cut copy and paste!

Automatically Expand Editor's Area

Optionally you can change the editor to allow it to automatically expand its text area when need it. If you require a new line then it is going to be automatically added.

Automatically Expand Editor's Area

Right-to-Left Support

In administration you can enable the Right-to-Left mode allowing users that are using those languages to type in your forum easily, without having additional issues with how the editor is going to handle their text

Right-to-Left Support

Real code and table views!

Code has been really integrated into the WYSIWYG Interface, allowing you to have a preview of how the code will looks like, additionally, see how tables can be added in a much nicer way than before! You select how many columns and rows are added and you've a much nicer view of them in the WYSIWYG Interface.

Real code and table views!

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SMFPacks Advanced Editor

SMFPacks Advanced Editor Copyright Removed

- SMFPacks Advanced Editor.
- Copyright removed: No.
- Full Support: Yes.
- Regular Price: $39.99.
- PROMOTIONAL Price: $29.99.
- SMFPacks Advanced Editor.
- Copyright removed: Yes.
- Full Support: Yes.
- Regular Price: $49.99.
- PROMOTIONAL Price: $39.99.