Started by NIBOGO, June 10, 2011, 05:54:28 PM

« SMF Likes Pro Mod v1.2! Preview List of Likers Added! | NEW PRODUCT: SMF Likes Pro/Lite Mod »

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Almost a month ago, we're announcing the release of SMF Likes Pro Mod, a powerful likes system fully integrated with SMF, and today we're going to present a new product in our website!

This new product is called SMFPacks SEO Pro Mod, this wonderful and powerful, but yet simple to install and use, mod allows admins to easily increase the traffic, visitors, ranking in search engines (like google, yahoo, bing ....) and in that way make your forum more popular and known, in addition to those things, with the new visitors you're going to increase the motetization of your forum, so in a way, you'll be recovering the investment in this product.

You maybe wondering if this is just another Pretty Urls mod, well if you're doing that, you're pretty wrong. This mod includes a lot, really a lot, of options and possible configurations to optimize the way search engines find and index content from your website. Those features are explained in the Mod Description Page and some of them can't even been seen by admins and visitors, but they make a difference for robots, the idea behind this mod is to enhance the really important content, prevent duplicate content, increase the value of important information and add better ways to find and share topics.

While pretty urls aren't the only SEO feature included in this mod, they are way better than other Pretty Urls mod available for SMF Forums; with SMFPacks SEO Pro Mod you can configure the format of boards, topics and profiles urls, an image explain this:

To quote Steve Jobs here "It just works" you only need to select the desired format and this mod will do the rest for you, and what is even better is that boards and topics urls are "merged" so topics URLs include boards format, in that way you'll be able to return to a topic's board just removing the topic part in the URL.

There are a lot of other features that we're pretty sure you'll love! This mod merge the best features available in SEO Mods for almost all forums software, and as a result we've a nice, powerful and easy to configure mod that is available for a very reduced price, if you care about your community and want to show it to the world, this mod is for you.

If you want a demo, you're already seen it, this mod is installed in (only some features are enabled) and you can see why this is the best choice in SEO Mods.

This is nice... I really wanna try it, because although my site is the top-visited and largest in its category it is really low on Google results...

Two questions:
-I'm not sure how pretty URLs work. If I uninstall the mod, will everything work ok?
-What are the differences between the Lite/Pro versions?


PS I just notices in the screenshots that there are sharing options, too! That's a great mod on its own right...
PS2 Facebook sharing does not look so good. Shouldn't it post the title of the thread, followed by the link? Just the url says nothing...
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If you uninstall the mod your urls will return to the regular SMF format, and the lite version won't have almost anything, it'd be a simple pretty urls mod without any possible customization (only one default format available) no extra features like similar topics, nofollow implementation, HTML headers, noindex if page that shouldn'T be indexed, no robots.txt included to enhance indexation, no control over poster urls, I mean, only little feature would be available in lite version
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So basically the lite version is no version. Why release it? ;)
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Quote from: Gryzor on June 11, 2011, 12:58:15 PM
So basically the lite version is no version. Why release it? ;)

It'd be an alternative to SimpleSEF and Pretty Urls, why not??
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