install a new theme??

Started by dan4ever, May 13, 2015, 04:20:02 PM

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If I install a responsiv theme from you now after installing a lot of mod. Will it be problem later ??

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SMF 2.1.2

Yes, because most MODs make edits to Themes, so you would just have to add the Theme edits manually, or uninstall then reinstall your MODs
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You would to either:

1. Adjust your theme to current mods. 

2. Reinstall your mods. 

Only changes to files contained in the theme are affected, many mods don't modify those files, so it's not as hard as it seems. 

But I have "Simple Portal" installed but it looks like a theme dosen't change the look of the portal AND its not responsiv!!!!

Is it possible to show the portal for bigger screen and not for a mobil device??

And my logo is too big for a cellphone, looks weird... 

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Logo can be resized to fit the screen, but support for portals would be quite complicated. It would be much better to wait for an update of SimplePortal that includes responsive design. 

Quote from: NIBOGO on May 14, 2015, 10:05:22 AM
Logo can be resized to fit the screen, but support for portals would be quite complicated. It would be much better to wait for an update of SimplePortal that includes responsive design.

When I read about smf4mobil at Home   It disable the portal if you visit the webbsite from a cellphone.
Maybe an idé for your responsive theme?
And we can still have a portal for visiter with bigger screen.


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